R (1) analysis (2) audio (1) basic (1) code (8) commands (3) conferences (1) data (3) django (1) editing (1) flask (1) gtk (1) intermediate (2) jupyterlab (3) linux (1) machine-learning (1) media (1) pandas (1) python (8) setup (4) spark (1) tech (1) trends (1) unix (2) video (1) webinar (1)

 R (1)

Machine Learning Interpretability (Part 1 of 2)

 analysis (2)

Surprising Searches 1 Of N
Studying The Show About Nothing

 audio (1)

What I Learnt from 6 hours of tinkering with FFmpeg

 basic (1)

Setting up Python 3.8, Virtualenv and Jupyterlab on Ubuntu 16.04

 code (8)

Pandas Notes - A Reference
Bangpypers Pre-Workshop Setup
Frequently Used Python Commands
Unix Commands I Use
Links I looked up while learning how to configure Nginx and Gunicorn for my Flask application
Django Filter snippet to Shorten naturaltime format
Memory Monitor Widget using Python
Studying The Show About Nothing

 commands (3)

Bangpypers Pre-Workshop Setup
Frequently Used Python Commands
Unix Commands I Use

 conferences (1)

My HIPC 2018 conference experience

 data (3)

Pandas Notes - A Reference
Surprising Searches 1 Of N
Studying The Show About Nothing

 django (1)

Django Filter snippet to Shorten naturaltime format

 editing (1)

What I Learnt from 6 hours of tinkering with FFmpeg

 flask (1)

Links I looked up while learning how to configure Nginx and Gunicorn for my Flask application

 gtk (1)

Memory Monitor Widget using Python

 intermediate (2)

Custom CSS extension for Jupyterlab
Git extension for Jupyterlab

 jupyterlab (3)

Custom CSS extension for Jupyterlab
Setting up Python 3.8, Virtualenv and Jupyterlab on Ubuntu 16.04
Git extension for Jupyterlab

 linux (1)

Unix Commands I Use

 machine-learning (1)

Machine Learning Interpretability (Part 1 of 2)

 media (1)

What I Learnt from 6 hours of tinkering with FFmpeg

 pandas (1)

Pandas Notes - A Reference

 python (8)

Pandas Notes - A Reference
Machine Learning Interpretability (Part 1 of 2)
Bangpypers Pre-Workshop Setup
Frequently Used Python Commands
Links I looked up while learning how to configure Nginx and Gunicorn for my Flask application
Django Filter snippet to Shorten naturaltime format
Memory Monitor Widget using Python
Studying The Show About Nothing

 setup (4)

Enabling the Spark History Server on Spark Standalone
Custom CSS extension for Jupyterlab
Setting up Python 3.8, Virtualenv and Jupyterlab on Ubuntu 16.04
Git extension for Jupyterlab

 spark (1)

Enabling the Spark History Server on Spark Standalone

 tech (1)

My HIPC 2018 conference experience
Surprising Searches 1 Of N

 unix (2)

Bangpypers Pre-Workshop Setup
Unix Commands I Use

 video (1)

What I Learnt from 6 hours of tinkering with FFmpeg

 webinar (1)

Machine Learning Interpretability (Part 1 of 2)