Hey guys, Thank you for being an awesome bunch of peeps participating on the threads during my week curating WAB and sharing your hobbies and ideas and favorite parks and everything else really. :blush: I certainly had a lot of fun learning everything I did. Now, I’m a data engineer and I’m not in favor of losing out on information that’s provided because it’s invaluable :)

So I thought I’d make a ready reckoner for the threads discussed during the week so you can look it up here anytime! :)

Bangalore or Bengaluru?

Favorite parks -

Life near a Metro -

Hobbies of Bangalore -

Readers of Bangalore -

An earnest note to students, parents and teachers everywhere -

On self-confidence

A couple of jokes -

Communities of Bangalore -

Finally, signing off -

And of course, I thank the admins of We Are Bangalore for the opportunity :blush: Cheers!

PS - If you’d like to volunteer to curate the WAB account, reach out to the admins at We Are Bangalore or fill in their form here.